Corex Signs and Boards ? An Economical Outdoor Promotion Tool
Corex Signs and Boards ? An Economical Outdoor Promotion Tool
Jun 18Corex Signs and Boards ? An Economical Outdoor Promotion Tool
In order to stand out among the rest, people adopt different and innovative outdoor promotional strategies to attract their potential customers. It is a fact that people are often attracted towards the thing or idea, which is new or unusual as changes have become the need of life. Similarly in the field of outdoor promotion also, business owners are always in search of new promotional strategies that can reward them in the best of manner without affecting much on their financial condition. In their effort of finding some different outdoor promotions techniques, business owners have started using corex boards, which are considered as ideal promotion option for low budget promotional requirement.
Corex boards are made like corrugated card but the only difference is that it is made of polypropylene. This makes corex boards and signs extremely lightweight, rigid, and cost effective for different applications.
Being water proof and weather resistant in nature, this corex boards and corex signs prove to an affordable advertising option offering great results. This board is considered ideal for short term temporary use and can be effectively used for various applications like lamp post signs, estate agent signs, sale signs, and several other promotional needs that have a low budget. Generally used in the property industry, corex boards and corex signs are effectively used across different industries also. However, this corex signs and corex boards available in white and yellow colors with straight or s-curved are effectively used in both internal and external application.
Effective and colorful corex boards and signs are created by banner printing companies, which operate in the field of outdoor promotion. Made from corrugated type of plastic, corex boards are quite durable and can successfully bear the weather effects. After the company decides on the message and other printing matter, the corex boards are sent for the printing work from the outdoor corex printers. The outdoor corex boards and signs are available in different sizes, which usually range from A0 to A4. The corex boards can be steel framed or can be screwed on frame to display the company message and serve the outdoor promotion need of the company.