Signs Your Vehicle Needs Transmission Repairs
Signs Your Vehicle Needs Transmission Repairs
Mar 20Signs Your Vehicle Needs Transmission Repairs
A transmission (also called a gearbox), is the mechanism in your car that helps it switch gears. This alone tells you how important transmission is for your vehicle. It’s a complex component so unless you are a skilled mechanic, it’s probably not a great idea for you to try and fix the transmission of your vehicle by yourself if something goes wrong.
However, what you can do is practice some good driving habits to minimize damage and keep a close eye (and ear) out for signs of trouble. This is crucial, because catching a problem at the right time is the difference between a minor repair job and a full blown and expensive overhaul. So make sure you don’t ignore the following signs. They are basically your car telling you it needs help
Leaking Fluid: Transmission Fluid belongs inside your car, not out. If it’s leaking, you need to fix up a meeting with your transmission repair guys as soon as possible.
A leak is one of the biggest and most common warning signs that your transmission is in trouble. Every morning when you take out your car just check your driveway for signs of leakage.
Engine Lights – Engine lights often have the same effect of banner ads. They blink away to glory, but you have conditioned yourself to ignore them, so you don’t notice the most obvious warnings. While a glowing engine light doesn’t always mean you need to take your vehicle for transmission repairs, it does mean you should probably take a closer look at your transmission system.
Odd Vibrations and Sounds – If you feel a slight odd vibration every time you shift gears and the transition is jerky instead of how it should be, you probably have a problem. Also, you might notice your transmission slipping, i.e. the engine is revving, but your wheels don’t move with equal power. Sometimes it’s not vibrations, but odd knocking sounds that indicate problems. However, different cars make different sounds when they are in trouble, so just keep your ears cocked for anything out of the ordinary.
When it comes to taking care of your car, your mantra should always be “better safe than sorry”. Transmission repairs, Plano TX residents know is serious business, and ignoring the warning signs will just allow the problem to bigger and bigger until fixing it becomes imperative and expensive. So watch out for these warning signs, and help yourself save some money.
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