About Emergency Lights and Emergenct Exit Signs

About Emergency Lights and Emergenct Exit Signs

Mar 19

About Emergency Lights and Emergenct Exit Signs

Emergency lights are basically charged up light that can be used as a source of light during power cuts and temporary backups for alternative. Many high rise buildings have exit lights, in case of power failure and are known commonly as emergency lights for the building in time of crisis for the safety of people.

It is not necessary to have them at every other place in a building unless they serve the purpose. These exit or emergency lights are installed at specific places of a pathway such as at the exit staircase, corridors and at other exit points of the building that facilitate easy evacuation of people during fire break outs and other threats. It would be a better choice to provide them in staircases as people would be using them more often to move from one floor to another floor as lifts would be temporarily be stalled. A pictorial representation of the various exit points in a building should be placed at every floor for people to quietly move out during trouble.

Without prior arrangement of the emergency lights at exit points, it would result in fatal accidents during the outburst of people. Therefore, emergency lights with efficient operation and long life, that serves the purpose in times of trouble should be installed and with a wide range of lighting models with other safety devices available in the market, it should not be difficult to single out a perfect one. It is always wiser to check for the efficiency of the installed exit light in the staircases every 2 months or so to avoid minor accidents and if found to be damaged or not in a working condition, they have to be immediately replaced with a new set of exit lights.

It is still difficult to differentiate between emergency exit signs and emergency lights, as both define the same role of acting as reserve source of lighting during emergency situations.

However, exit lights are provided at specific places in a building and serve only the exit points whereas, emergency lighting is provided at other places where a need arises for temporary lights for back up other than the usual lighting sources.

Most of the emergency or exit light are battery rechargeable and could be operated by remote controlled devices. They come with sensitive reactors, which start to turn on the lights instantly, in times of low circuit or power cut. With advancements in technology, a lot of new models have come out in the market such as fixed lights, spot emergency lights, rotatable lights and much more. Decide on a suitable lighting and also on the number of lights to be provided in exit points and at other places, so that there is enough lighting during evacuation times and cause less chaotic moments for the inmates of the building.

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